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How to cancel pending orders on the Dropship Beauty App

If there are any current “pending” orders on Dropship Beauty that you would no longer need to fulfill, here are the steps to cancelling the orders.

  1. Log in to your Dropship Beauty app.

3. Select the order of your choice that is still pending, and click “view order” at the right side.

4. Once you are on the specific order page, click “cancel order” at the top right of the page.

5. A message will pop up noting that the order is cancelled. You can also “un-cancel” the order anytime as well, if you decide to process this order later down the road.

Once you cancel the order, you will no longer receive any “awaiting payment” emails on the cancelled order(s) selected. The selected order will then move to the “cancelled” section of your order list.

Updated on 27 Nov 2023