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How to access the premium photos and videos

Our premium product photos and videos are only accessible for our “Advanced”, “Pro”, or “lifetime” members. To access the premium contents, you must first sign in to your Shopify account. (It would be best doing it from a laptop or desktop).
1. Once logged in, click “apps” on the left side of your dashboard.
2. Click “Dropship Beauty” after you are directed to the apps page.
3. Once you are on the main dashboard page, scroll down to “premium images / videos” and click “access content“.
4. This will take you to the product media page, and you can find the “video/photos” option available based on the specific product selected. Remember that you will need to be a pro or advance member to access the feature.
5. Select the product(s) of your choice. You can then download the available product photos and videos of your choice. It would be best to do this through a laptop or desktop, as the mobile version will be more limited.
Again, keep in mind that additional product photos and videos will be available for Advanced and Pro memberships.

Updated on 29 Nov 2023